Sometimes you just need purple breeches

Life has been a little stressful lately. Not the horse related stuff so much (omg knocking on so much wood right now) but personal stuff. Work. The future. A big crossroads that would completely and totally change everything. Ya know, light stuff. No biggie.

I’m not much of a talker, my standard MO is to internalize things until I’ve figured out the solution and have a plan in place, which I haven’t done yet. It’s very much a state of limbo, like I’m lingering on the precipice of some big life decisions, trying to decide whether or not to jump. As I said… light stuff. On the outside it’s a lot of this

Image result for bob ross happy gif

but inside it’s more like this.

Image result for inception gif

I’ll talk about it eventually. When I figure it out.

In the meantime the horses have been my refuge, so to speak, and I’ve kind of chosen to drown myself in them even more than usual. Cuz, I dunno… valid coping mechanism? I also may or may not have had a weak day while scrolling through Instagram last week. The good thing is that my retail therapy budget is basically nill right now, there was very little damage I could actually do.

But yeah, I’m sorry, I can’t resist dark purple breeches. Especially when the alternative is eating an entire roll of cookie dough or something. Breeches are better, right? These were stupid cheap anyway, AND I’ve been wanting to try this brand for a while, AND I’ve been waiting for someone to make a super dark purple for a long time, so I’m going to consider it totally justifiable. Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong (jk, please don’t do that, let me have my dark purple breeches without judgment). I don’t know why these things make me feel better, but they do. They’re fun and they’re different, two things I’m actively seeking for myself. And, well… purple was my mom’s favorite color, after all. It’s as if the sheer act of owning them might somehow transfer some of her wisdom to me via spiritual osmosis.

Or maybe I’m just reading way too much into a pair of purple pants. That’s also 100% possible.

Do I actually have to even bother to justify these? I hope not. I stood no chance against the f-bomb socks. They really complement the inner turmoil nicely. Ok let’s be honest, they suit me perfectly regardless of life phase.

The Backbone, Daughter Scripted Tee - Unisex

Never stood a chance against this one either. It’s great and it’s the truth and it’s something that quite suits the situation. The more I see it, the better. Also it was on sale, so.

Plus I totally just realized that in my stress-splurge I created a whole new ROOTD. Bonus.

I found a lot of inspiration in Maya Angelou last week when I listened to the audio version of her book “Letter to my Daughter” on my drive to Midland. It was so good I listened to it twice and then went on Thriftbooks and bought a hard copy ($4.99, Thriftbooks never lets me down). If you haven’t read it I highly highly highly recommend.

Image result for letter to my daughter maya angelou

“My life has been long,

and believing that life loves the liver of it,

I have dared to try many things,

sometimes trembling, but daring, still.”


Melodrama aside, I’m all good. Things will work out and I’m nervous but excited to see what happens. And until then, I’ll be rocking some pretty rad purple breeches.

Anyone else had a little mini-splurge on something fun lately?

56 thoughts on “Sometimes you just need purple breeches

  1. I’m sure you’ll make a fool proof plan and get through this. In the mean time, no judgement here for purple breeches. I brought brown… waiting for Pipers to offer a rust colored because… it’s just a thing that I want. Retail therapy isn’t wrong in any means, I’ve learned that the last couple years. I’m actually considering hiring you as my personal stylist 😂 But I’m poor because… Brown breeches…


  2. There are a million cliché’s out there, I could write, but when I’m in a place similar to where you may be, I usually end up telling myself, “it could always be worse.” I know, another cliché. If it helps, I look forward to your blog every day!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. everyone always needs more purple in their life!! I love them, love the socks too. Hope you figure what you want to be when you grow up 🙂 And glad you have the horses (and dogs and cat) to help you thru it all. That is some fine retail therapy you did there 🙂 I am very excited to ‘splurge’ FHI week at the shopping tent. I already know i want a neutral mango bay belt (I somehow misplaced my tan and gray one but the two purple are great but dont go with everything!), and I can’t wait to visit Eponia. So exciting. My budget is tiny due to saving for the saddle but still…oh and saddles can’t wait to look at them too…).THANK goodness you arent here for FH this year just to keep me from spending too much but sure i will be asking your opinion via text when I want to splurge 😉


  4. I agree with a above you will work it out in your time and make decisions that are right for you. My standard MO I’d to internalise as well, hide behind my smile and find that lemonade stand I made from lemons!!
    I hope whatever curve ball has been thrown you catch! All the best

    Mel xx


  5. I’m not correctly at a big life crossroads or anything, but the last week or so I have not been feeling my best. I have been internalizing too and just avoiding life. No horse related purchases, just some stuff for myself. A shirt and some makeup primarily.


      1. I have to resist pretty riding clothes regularly. I mean I can ride in breeches in my western saddle, it just feels like a bit of overkill. Or is it?


  6. I hope you share ROOTD pics! The breeches look awesome and that tee is very cool as well!
    I have no doubt that you will make the right decision with whatever is going on right now.
    I am an internalizer as well. I know that talking would make things easoer, especoally bouncing ideas off of trusted friends but I mostly do stuff like that on my own as well…


  7. I splurged on a turquoise show shirt that was on clearance from RW. It may be too short though. I’m loving that t-shirt…link? 🙂 Also, Maya Angelou is very inspiring to listen to in person. She was at Virginia Tech one year and I swear listening to her was one of the most inspiring hours of my life.


    1. She was pretty amazing. I love that her audiobooks are all done with her speaking, because I too love listening to her. The shirt is from


  8. Umm I might have literally bought 5 pairs of colored jeans without trying them on yesterday. Because reasons. It’s like I go into a fugue state and come out of Nordstrom rack wondering “what have I done?” Alsowere those beeches a secondhand score or are there more purple where that came from……


  9. a good pair of purple breeches can patch over some pretty deep pits of uncertainty 😉 i hope you wear then in health and happiness and all that nonsense. also tho good luck with the light hearted musings of the future. life choices are scary and hard. but ya know. things have a way of working out.


  10. I totally relate to inner turmoil, crossroads and potentially life-changing decisions. Yeesh. I should probably go buy myself something too, however I’m sort of in a self-imposed spending hiatus to recoup after show season. But maybe just one pair of breeches…..


  11. Ugh I’ve been drooling over their stuff too. I want the burgundy ones. And the ones with the gold bling.
    I have a whole list of colors of breeches I want: burgundy, dark green, royal blue, medium grey.
    Buuuttt I just bought two pairs this week (’cause that’s how I deal with things too).


  12. Don’t stop at purple breeches. Don’t you need a house with some property about now? You should totally buy my ranch for a half-million. I promise its perfect! I would even gladly paint the barn purple for you, or better yet blue with yellow trim:) How is that for turmoil and indecision? Just trying to give you some perspective:)


  13. I splurged this weekend also. I have also been going through some stuff, so made a decision about riding (cause I can control that right now) and decided to get serious about showing. So I bought what I thought was a fun purchase. New tall boots (my paddock boots where literally being held together by my chaps and my chaps have a hole so big that my opposite foot got trapped and I tripped). Fun, until I tried to ride in them yesterday😲. Also, more sunshirts, winter shirts from Under Armour. If I plan on showing next season I need winter riding gear this season. And a pink Kastel Krystal sunshirt for $25😃. I didnt splurge as much because the World Cup is this weekend in Sacramento and I need the $ for that to make my stress-splurging complete. Nothing wrong with a little splurge here and there.


  14. Ugh. When don’t I splurge? Oh the customers were mean to me today? Better buy more breeches. Oh the customer called me F-ing stupid? Yep. Fbomb socks, stat. Oh the fence guy completely messed up for the THIRD time and now I’m out of posts? Get me some of those new boots please…. (This one hasn’t actually happened yet, but I’m on the brink!)
    Seriously though, I hope things work out for you and that the retail therapy was helpful! Also, what brand are those breeches? I need some dark purple and these fence guys are giving me an ulcer.


    1. If you buy another pair of boots, you have to send a pair to me. I’m mildly afraid we’ll find you in an episode of Hoarders: Tall Boot Edition someday.


      1. For real though… I’m actually sending a few pair to used horse stuff. So I’m not THAT bad! Also what size are you? I’m selling the gray FAMA ones because they’re way too big for me…


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