Cross country video from AEC

Still no pictures, but the video was finally posted yesterday! Hallelujah.

My particular observations:

  1. Henny looks like a squirrel. He’s all ear hair, teeth, and swishy tail.
  2. He’s much happier jumping out of the faster pace in the first half than when I had to slow way down toward the end to make time (we both agree that 350mpm is dumb).
  3. Look at him save my butt at the bank like a bonafide saint.
  4. I never get tired of looking at that cute face.

And I pulled video stills for those who don’t want to invest almost 5 minutes of their life to watching a BN course.



matching expressions


oh hai, ditch


AECXCcap13    AECXCcaplastfenceThe same video people will be at Greenwood this weekend, and I’d reaaaaaally like a video there since their Novice course is fairly stout, but it’s EXPENSIVE. Understandably so, equipment wise and manpower wise and time wise, but I might be a little too poor to justify another video right now.

29 thoughts on “Cross country video from AEC

  1. you guys look fab – and make that course like easy and small. nicely done!! and fwiw, i’d say go for the video too… or at least try to get that darn helmet cam working 😉


  2. Henry is so cute and happy galloping around out there with his little ears perked forward for basically the whole five minutes.


  3. He looks so happy. Some of the camera angles when you’re coming towards the camera make it look like you’re going for much bigger jumps and I keep thinking, wow, that’s a really big jump for BN. Then you go off to the actual BN jump. I don’t know how much the video costs, but it’s certainly nice to have.


  4. we can all toss in 10 bucks to help you for the cause LOL I love watching Henry cc and have watched it several times already. (I agree about the size of jumps looking HUGE at different angles LOL YIKES)


  5. So fun to watch – you guys did a really great job! Henry didn’t even miss a beat throwing in that trot step before the down bank – so smooth!


  6. I love your GoPro vids but it’s nice to be able see you guys in action for a change! You’re trucking along the whole time but it all looks so organized and confident. It’s no wonder Henry is so great – you do a really wonderful job with him. Impressed, as always!


  7. Adorable and majestic! You guys did such a greay job!

    Sidenote, since when have BN fences looked so massive. Last time I did BN I could’ve sworn they looked tame…those look HUGE


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