A fitting tribute to the Ass

Most of you know that I am a big Riding Warehouse fan, and as such, I find myself on their website on a regular basis, browsing for things I might need, or just looking at what’s new. They make this pretty easy, with the whole New Items category right there on the main page, broken out by week. I like to peruse through all the newly added items, just… ya know… so that, uh… I know what all they have. Because… reasons.

Image result for help me i have problems gif

But anyway.

I found myself there on Monday, because I was looking at and comparing all the different kinds of buckets. Presto finally destroyed his over the fence feeder (which, granted, took him like 8 months, even if it was being held together by duct tape and blanket straps for at least 4 of those) and the regular bucket we put up to replace it lasted all of 2 days. Is there such a thing as a Presto-proof bucket? He’s a really violent eater.

After much grumbling and dissatisfaction while browsing through all the bucket options, I wandered over to the New Items page instead. I can always find happiness there. And as soon as I started scrolling down, I about died. This might be my most favorite product that RW has ever carried.

Yes those are men’s boxer briefs, with donkeys on them.

I don’t know who at Cinch is responsible for making these, or who in Purchasing at RW is responsible for adding them to the lineup, but big tip of the hat to you both. I got a really good laugh out of them. And if these don’t sell out, I’m really disappointed in our society in general. I mean… Valentine’s Day is coming up, right? What better gift for your beau than ass underwear? I’m kind of jealous that there isn’t a girl’s version, to be honest.

Maybe my amusement is partly because my life has become pretty donkey-centric the past few years since moving to my current barn, where first Henry fell madly and completely inappropriately in love with Dudley

and then Presto came to antagonize live with Bob and Dudley.

Those donkeys are a great source of entertainment for all of us, and the reason why Presto’s nickname is Swamp Donkey. They are 3 of a kind, the donkeys put up with a lot, and I’ve really come to love them. The picture on those bloomers looks a whole heck of a lot like Bob. Who knew their species would be the model for the latest in ultra-fashionable men’s undergarments?

definitely the face of a muse

I mean… I guess there are other cool things in the New Items section too, like Neue Schule bits and round bale slow feed nets and moar brown tall boots. But are any of those things as awesome as donkey underwear?


Image result for donkey shrek gifs

I don’t think they’ll ever top this one.



18 thoughts on “A fitting tribute to the Ass

  1. Oh my gosh those are amazing! Might have to order a pair for my very stubborn brother in law, his birthday is coming up soon 😂


  2. My favourite setup for horses who destroy plastic has always been buying the thick rubber floor pans, drilling holes in them, fitting them with hooks and washers so they don’t tear and hanging them with three heavy duty double sided snaps in a corner just above the ground.


    1. They don’t put their feet in that? Presto likes to put his feet in everything, I have to be careful to put things high enough so he can’t get tangled up (like… he got his foot stuck in a water bucket once…). But that’s part of how he tears it off the wall.


      1. Horses step on/in their pans sometimes, but because they’re the wide and flat rubber ones we never have had issues with hang ups. Some of our guys stopped destroying when it went in a flat, open pan because they were shaking the scooped buckets to “get the last bites”. Of course I’ve never tested the setup on a mouthy giramoose, so YMMV 😂


  3. I think Bob is cuter than the donk (looks kinda like a mule) they chose as a model for the underwear.
    Is the print on the butt part as well? An ass on that ass?


  4. I’ve been thinking about buying a few of these (hmmm, I can’t paste a link?)… Maybe just Google “Prostable feed bucket”. They have short buckets and standard flatbacks, and they look fairly indestructible. I have a large who thinks he’s a lab, and he plays with everything he can get his mouth on. It can be exhausting. I was actually meaning to message you about SOME tack or grooming item that I was hoping to get your feedback on before buying, but I forget what it was… Maybe it was the buckets?


  5. My DH’s birthday is coming up. We don’t really do presents, but I must order these! And maybe a new LeMieux saddle pad… For the free shipping, of course. Is there a coupon code at the moment?


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