That Holiday Haul

Yeah, I’m a little late with this one. Mostly because we weren’t home for Christmas and therefore did not tote presents across the country with us, and then when we got back home we both forgot about the presents for… a week. Oops. We kind of suck at this.

Usually I get myself something nice for Christmas, but I did that for my birthday when I bought myself the Devoucoux. There’s not much nice stuff left that I need at this point, which is a good place to be. Especially because December and January are absurdly expensive for me (more on that tomorrow). The fact that my collection of stuff is pretty solid right now is a good thing.

I got a little bit of cash for Christmas, which is always nice, because see above about Dec and Jan being expensive. I asked the SO for a Yeti cooler so that I can grab ice on the way to the horse show and still have enough actual ice left by the end to put in Henry’s ice boots. No more worrying about where to get ice from on the morning of XC! Oh and I guess I could put like… food in there too, if I ever actually remembered to bring food for myself to shows (this is always 50/50). The SO was even smart enough to get the pretty blue one.

Image result for yeti blue cooler

And he got me a new ice cream scoop and a nice can opener because I’ve been bitching about those things for a long time. I don’t think kitchen stuff really counts though, does it? He also bought me socks with the corgi’s face on it, which was pretty funny considering I bought him socks with the cat’s face on it (which I ordered 7 weeks ago and they still aren’t here, don’t use Print Your Pet). Great minds think alike.

Hillary got me some fancy smelling soaps, which goes right along with the fancy soap kick that I’m on right now. I’ve hidden those, because I’m selfish and don’t want to share.

My brother and his wife got me a unicorn shirt and puzzle. Apparently I have created a reputation for being both the crazy unicorn lady AND a nerd. They’re not wrong.

Michelle of course painted me a Presto glass and a Henry glass… I showed y’all the Henry one already but here’s the Presto one. I LOVE THEM.

Along that same line, a blog reader started a business making crochet ponies and made one of Presto for me! I loved it so much that I promptly turned around and ordered one for Hillary’s upcoming kiddo. These things are so stinkin cute, y’all should follow her on Instagram @ponyforapony and order one. You won’t regret it.


Then I got a $100 Riding Warehouse gift card and spent several days trying to figure out how to use it. I had just stocked up on essentials in the Black Friday sale, so I figured it was a good opportunity to buy something I wanted but couldn’t talk myself into spending my own money on. Free splurge! The best kind! My first round through the site resulted in a $500 cart, so I went through and got rid of all the stuff I couldn’t really justify, which left me with a $40 cart. Polos, a horse sized rope halter for Presto (bc yes he already outgrew his Yearling size rainbow one), and another jar of poultice. What a sad splurge. I went back and forth forever before I decided to just bite the bullet and try the full seat Aqua X breeches. I’ve been saying for months that I want to try them, and they were $93 in the 20% off sale, which you can’t beat. I’m taking them for their test run in my dressage lesson this afternoon!

wherever there is box, there is also kitten

Normally I buy stuff for Henry and the dogs for Christmas, but having a kitten in the house this year meant that I decided to forego a tree and stockings. If she knocked down my tree and broke my Hamer & Clay ornaments I would have been forced to love her less, and no one wants that. Hopefully next year she’s calmed down enough to handle that kind of responsibility. But no stockings plus us being gone meant that I didn’t really get anything for the dogs, and Henry didn’t get anything either. Except treats. He literally has 6 different kinds of treats in my tack trunk right now. That’s kinda normal though, honestly, every day is Christmas when you’re Henny.

Oh, and not really related, but I had several people expressing interest in Presto calendars. While I can’t even wrap my head around the idea of printing a bunch or trying to coordinate that, I DID have a few small ones printed up and will have one leftover. Watch for a giveaway sometime in the next week or so – I’ve got a calendar, a pretty ombre lead rope, and a RW gift card up for grabs! I think we’ll also do another “Guess the foaling date/time and foal color/markings” type of contest this year with Willow Tree Warmbloods, too. It was fun last time. That probably won’t be until next month though… I gotta have some time to get prizes together!

22 thoughts on “That Holiday Haul

  1. I wouldn’t count on Grem calming down enough for a tree next year.
    There are enough awesomely funny pics and videos of cats vs. christmas trees. And those of fortified trees. Trees in cages, trees upside down on the ceiling, yesterday I saw one of a mini tree on top of a vacuum…
    Our cats never posed a problem for the trees. They also knew they weren’t allowed on the kitchen counters and tables. *shrugs*
    That crocheted Presto is really the cutest ever!


    1. Sadly, my cat is 2 years old and I don’t think she’ll EVER be able to handle a Christmas tree. I have a small fake one from Target, and I only put plastic/fabric ornaments on it haha. She thinks it exists purely for her entertainment and will sit there and bat at the ornaments for hours


  2. If you wanna ditch that rainbow yearling rope halter I have a victim. I’m so in love with the painted glasses. They’re so gorgeous! Jason got me a knock off version of the Yeti cooler back in September in turquoise…I’ll be honest, it’s been used for wine and food, nothing horse related, but at a horse show?


  3. WooHoo! I can use a Presto calendar. Found out my IPhone is dropping my calendar items after a while. Will watch for you ur give away. P

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I want a glass with Presto (tho Remus would be great too) and i want a crochet pony too. LOL AND my cat is 13-14 years old and we dont put a tree up cause his ass is nUTS!! so good luck with that. Glad you got your yeti cooler (No more me stopping for ice on my way in LOL) ALSO, i have a 150 credit on RW burning a hole in my pocket. WHAT DO I NEED?? (I returned a sheet!)


  5. Um, that purple and grey pony is in my colors, therefore it should be mine. And I also got a riding warehouse gift card and wanted to spend it on breeches, but none of the breeches I wanted were a size 24. Apparently they don’t care about people with no assess. We wear pants too damnit.


  6. I’m actually impressed at how well behaved my Terrorist-Kitten and the 2-year old Lasagna Kitty were this year will the tree. Last year, Lasagna took down the tree (in her defense, the stand sucked). The Terrorist climbs EVERYTHING including attempts to climb the brick on our fireplace (she’s made it a few feet up the wall so far). But they’ve both been good. First tree our kitten has seen and no climbing attempts (we do tie the tree to the wall now though). Our tree skirt has been taken daily abuse and they like playing under the tree so… ???


  7. I’ve been blessed with the right-kind-of-crazy kitties who have never ever tried to climb a Christmas tree. One of them swatted at the ornaments a bit, so we just put the nice pretty glass ones at the top where they were safe – problem solved! So there is hope that Grem wont Grinch out and abuse your xmas tree.


  8. Fancy soap for the win – at least I took care of henny since you clearly neglect him. A fancy prancer such as himself needs all the hats yo. And treats. And and and…

    Excited to hear how you like the full seat aqua x.

    Also I can’t even with how cute the crochet ponies are. Baby Bea is basically going to be forced into loving horses. 😍


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