Fluff and Floof

Well, whoops. I started drafting this post last week and then never had time to come back and actually finish typing it. I feel like that might just be how things go for the next month or so.

lookit this cute corgi tho

Between all the regular horse stuff, having people in town to visit, and the beginning of breeding season, I just don’t find myself with a lot of time to sit down in front of my computer. Or by the time I do, I have lots of other things I have to do before I can get to the blog. Such is life, I suppose.

michelle has been elbow (or shoulder) deep for two weeks now

Now that Michelle is back in town we’ve been keeping pretty busy with scanning mares, organizing all the breeding equipment, making sure we have everything we need, etc. A lot of the mares are in their transitional period right now, just coming into their actual breedable cycles, so we’ve been checking them often and keeping a log so that we can track where they are in their cycles. And there are a lot of mares on the docket this year to try to get bred, so it quickly becomes pretty time-consuming! But hopefully in a couple months we’ll have lots of preggos running around. Fingers crossed.

The Board knows all

We haven’t actually scanned Fey yet, we’re taking the slow and positive route of getting her used to the stocks, the equipment, and all that stuff. Once they learn that the stocks are a good place (lots of cookies!) they’re much happier to come in and stand much better for all the scanning and stuff. The end goal is that by the time we actually scan her she’ll be happy and confident in the stocks. The less we have to sedate them, the better, obviously.

The first day we just let her look at everything, led her through the stocks a few times, and then led her through a few more times, pausing to stand for about 10 seconds before walking out. Yesterday was her second time, and she walked right in a few times and stood for a bit, then we walked in and shut the door behind her, then finally capped it off by walking in again, shutting the door, and then putting up the chest rope. I only asked her to stand like that for about a minute, she got some cookies, and then that was it. She’s been quite good about everything so far. Granted, she is REALLY food motivated, so the cookies-as-bribery thing works pretty well on her.

The next step will be actually scanning her, which we’ll sedate her for the first time. She is relatively terrible about shots, so we’ll have to work on that with cookies too.

dis a weird game

So far we’ve only actually bred one mare – Peyton, last week. That was my first time helping with the actual breeding part, so it was kinda fun. Fingers crossed those British swimmers do their thing… we’ll find out in about a week.

straws of frozen

It’s been kind of weird not having any foals on the farm this year, it’s the first year with no WTW foals since she started breeding. Taking a year off was the right choice so that everything could settle and reboot after the move, but I think we’re all definitely missing the babies.

Granted, we do have a couple fluff butts on the farm at the moment, in the form of baby Sandhill Cranes. Maybe instead of Foal Friday we should have Fowl Friday?

lookit em!

They’re really cute and fun to watch. Last year this pair only had one baby, but this year they have two! I’ve been calling them Fluff and Floof, but they’re growing so fast that I fear they won’t be very fluffy for much longer.

On the riding front, things have been chugging along pretty much like normal. Well, okay, we’re majorly in a “step it up” phase where we’re asking Presto for more. More effort, more rideability, more suppleness, more precision, etc. Which also means that I am solidly in a learning curve phase right along with him. It’s a bit awkward at times, as expected when you’re in a growth phase, but it feels good too. It feels like progress. Or ya know… it hopefully will eventually. I can already see some change in him though, and he does feel more rideable. I mean, do I always make the right choice? No. Sure don’t. But I have more choices available to me.

Last week we had a jump lesson over at Majestic, and then this past weekend we had a flat lesson. I think we’ve got more jumping lined up this week, and hopefully early next week we’ll be able to squeeze in a flat lesson with Peter Gray again if we can make our schedules work.


And then next Wednesday we’re off to our next show, which is also our first FEI. This will be a totally new experience for both of us, and I’m already super anxious about making sure I do all the FEI stuff right. At least that’s kept me from getting nervous about the competition itself, although now that I think about it I should probably learn the dressage test. Heh. Minor detail.

I hope everyone has been doing well and is settling into spring!

4 thoughts on “Fluff and Floof

  1. Wow, that’s a really nice set up with the breeding stocks – it’s great that the front barricade (couldn’t think of a better word) it is adjustable for each mare and that solid wall is a game-changer, I bet! Good luck getting babies made, and it’s nice to see that Sadie is back in the rotation.


  2. Fowl Friday!!

    It amazes me you have Sandhill Cranes too, because they’re a spring/summer feature up here. In past years, I’d go foxhunt with a friend in Nebraska the first weekend in April, and wave at the cranes and say “See you guys in a couple weeks!” as they’d then make their way to Montana.


  3. I see what you just did there. Mentioned showing FEI and then just quietly close off. OMG! FEI! You & Presto. You have just sent my fan girling into over drive! 😁


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