
Guess who turns 2 years old tomorrow???



Today we’re leaving for a weekend adventure of lessons and XC schooling, and this little nugget gets to tag along with the big boys. He will spend his birthday ponying and exploring all the fun stuff at Pine Hill, and probably trying to lay down in the water jump. I think he’ll be excited to go, as he always parks himself at his gate when we’re loading the trailer, seemingly ever hopeful to be included. He hasn’t been anywhere since FEH Championships last year and he’s never been to Pine Hill, so… adventures!

Did sumbudy say abdentures?
Ut oh, I has wardrobe malfunkshun
But I still ready for abdentures!

Since we’ll be away for his actual birthday, Hillary helped me take his birthday pics yesterday, with his “party hat”. Clearly he loved it.

First she gaveded me dis dumb haircut, den she maked me wear dis dumb hat
Why tho.
Mebbe if I close mines eyes and make a wish, dey’ll go away
Nope, dey still here.

What else are baby unicorns for, if not dressing them up and taking ridiculous pictures on their birthday?

He’s totally gonna get me back for this one day isn’t he?

Presto is sweet, goofy, cheeky, smart… everything I wanted and more. His rough start makes me that much more appreciative of every birthday, and that I get the chance to see him learn and grow and turn into everything I was dreaming of when I bred him. Aaaaand definitely thankful that I get the chance to take silly pictures of him and post them all over the internet.

This kid is 50% giraffe, 50% moose, and 100% dreams come true. Definitely MY little unicorn, and it is a privilege to be his humom. Many nose smooches, kiddo, and happy birthday!

Oh man dis is so embarrassin I hope my FRENNS don’t see dis

20 thoughts on “Two-nicorn

  1. Happy Pre Birthday Presto! It’s hard to believe you are on the cusp of 2 years old! Many thanks to your humom for sharing your journey with us. It’s been a pleasure watching you grow & develop. Your older brother Henny is a blast in his own right – don’t want him being left out. 😀


  2. For his first event he should wear the unicorn hat. Just saying. happy birthday Presto. OMG I still get shivers thinking of two years ago when you were texting me that night. UGH so glad he is doing so well and that time period is done.

    Enjoy your birthday weekend Presto and don’t pull your mom in the water….wellllll maybe just once 🙂 HA!

    happy birthday to the cutest giramoose I know!


  3. Never worry, Presto. Your friends have looked like that before.
    Have fun at Pine Hill (and I hope there will be lots of videos of the collected shennanigans!)!!


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