Revamping the Med Kit

I realized last week, as I was tearing my trunk apart looking for furacin to sweat a leg, that I had completely lost control of my horse medical supplies.

My corner of the tack room. To be fair there are a couple things here that aren’t mine…

I used to have everything relegated to a small rubbermaid, but at some point I outgrew that and then just stopped putting things back after I used them, so all my supplies ended up separated, spread out, and lost. I couldn’t even find my damn thermometer last time I need it, and ended up having to scrounge through the barn’s med cabinet. That’s the ultimate in pathetic.

So I’ve started pulling everything back together, taking inventory of what I still have, and jotting down things that I know are missing or have been depleted. I figured I’d wait and buy a container for all this stuff after I’m done assembling it, so I know what size I need. But so far I’ve been pulling all kinds of stuff out of the far reaches of my trunk… dmso, furazone, corona, ace, banamine, bute, dex, animalintex, vet wrap galore, etc. So disorganized.

I’m still figuring out what all I’m missing though, and keep paging through Riding Warehouse veterinary/health care section to try to fill in some of the gaps. They do offer a handy-dandy first aid kit that’s already put together and packed with lots of the most crucial stuff… there’s a basic one and a vamped up trailering one. Pretty tempted to get one of those as well, to keep with my small “trailer trunk”, because I’m nothing if not paranoid, and that seems much easier than schlepping the entire med kit around when we’re hauling.

this is smart

But I also need to complete my full med kid for the barn, and I’ve got a good portion of what I need already.

  • DMSO
  • Bute
  • Banamine
  • Dex
  • animalintex
  • vetwrap x 8 (apparently I’m good at buying that)
  • clear eyes
  • eye ointment
  • corona
  • swat
  • hoof boot
  • poultice
  • hoof pack
  • saran wrap
  • brown paper
  • scissors
  • duct tape
  • elastikon
  • cool cast
  • durasole
  • hoof testers
  • rasp
  • the world’s nerdiest but best ice boots (these are a floater item since I always take them to shows, and they’re a bit big to fit in a reasonably sized container)
  • wraps and bandages (also a floater for same reason)
  • liniment
  • alushield
  • omeprazole paste
  • safety pins
  • rags
  • syringes – 10cc and 60cc
  • needles
  • dosing syringe
  • rubbing alcohol
  • witch hazel

But most notably missing (so far) are:

  • Betadine (I swear a lose a bottle every year)
  • new thermometer
  • stethoscope
  • bandage scissors
  • more furacin, I’m almost out
  • more latex gloves, I have 2 left
  • thrush stuff
  • hoof nippers
  • twitch
  • gauze
  • Epsom salt
  • diapers
  • head lamp

How I lost my thermometer, stethoscope, and twitch somewhere over the past few years is a mystery, but they are definitely MIA. There’s probably more, too, but I can’t think of it off the top of my head right now.

So, what do you guys have in your med kit? Do you keep a separate first aid kit in your trailering supplies?

27 thoughts on “Revamping the Med Kit

  1. I need to go through this same
    exercise and am dreading it. My stuff is all scattered between my trailer, the barn, my truck, and my house.

    I think I have most of the items just a question of where it all is. I keep my refrigerated items in the barn fridge but everything else is usually in a Rubbermaid if I don’t think it’ll cook in the trailer. I definitely need a new thermometer as we had the sick baby this past spring and i know mine got contaminated and not returned.


  2. Mine’s become chaos as well. I have one tack box dedicated to such things, but it’s gotten pretty disorganized. I usually pack the necessities into a bucket with a lid for trailer trips, but I also have been wanting to have a keep in the trailer version. I think once my new trailer arrives, I’ll make that a priority. Might as well start on the right foot!


  3. I’m obsessed with med kit-ing. I have two tubs: a large one with vetwrap, roll cotton, poultice pads etc (large ‘cheap’ stuff) and a smaller one that stays hidden that has my precious items like dorm, dermalone, syringes etc.

    Absolutely get a headlamp. Holy shit they are great, especially for taking pictures to text to your vet when you’re paranoid. I also REALLY want/need bandage scissors. And then i think my collection will be complete (for now…)


    1. This is what we use for our pony club team kits for competitions. They’re fantastic. And bottom holds tall bottles upright and wraps. I have a smaller version from this same series that unsnaps to 3 sections in my trailer for a “mini” kit which focuses just on emergencies till a vet would be called. Love it.


  4. I’m definitely going to buy a already put together med bag for my trailer when I get one… one for me and the horse 😂 My barn kit is definitely lacking… I think I’m down to poultice and paper… and that’s about it.


  5. I have most of what I would like to have a for a med kit, but I don’t have banamine or bute. I don’t know how to do IV injections, so will likely ask for some bute and banamine paste next time I am at the vet.

    I have a smaller clear plastic tote with a handle that I take with me when I trailer. Other wise I’ve got a 5 gallon bucket plus the clear container at the barn. Since my horse and pony are at my father in law’s, I typically keep all of my med stuff in the house so it isn’t affected by extreme heat or cold.


  6. I would suggest nitrile or some other non-latex version for the gloves. That way if you need assistance you don’t have to worry about someone else potentially not being able to due to a latex allergy.


  7. I have pretty much everything I need – I do need a bigger tote tho because I have TOO MUCH STUFF.

    It’s a good reminder tho – I need to get more telfa non-stick pads, witch hazel, and betadine.


  8. Man, I feel like a bad horse mom now. My med kit is down to wraps and that is about it. We used to keep banamine and bute around, but it kept expiring before we used it and I hate throwing money away. Part of the problem is that the hubby is a vet and owns his own practice, so when we have needed things he just runs and goes to get it. It isn’t the best plan in a dire emergency though.


  9. I have smaller, travel size first aid kid (for humans and horses) in my trailer. Vetwrap, duct tape, wraps, bandaids, banamine, bute, triple antibiotic, gauze, etc. I’m sure there’s more. The human version came from Target and has come in handy several times! If nothing else, I feel better knowing these items are in the tack room of my trailer – just in case!


  10. This is a great yearly (at least) project to take stock of what you have. I wrote about my first aid kit a while back. I definitely keep a barn kit and a separate trailer kit. It is so much easier that way.


  11. I absolutely have an extra kit for my trailer (you only make that mistake once). I like the premade kits from Smartpak and Riding Warehouse but they are so darn expensive! Instead I got one of these:

    and filled it with my own stuff! That way it’s easy to personalize too (hello extra Zephyrs Healing Salve since my pony is the clumsiest ever!)


  12. I’m revamping mine this year. It was mainly for bandaging so the basics plus stethoscope, thermometer… But now going to add the “RX stuff” from the vet if I can get it. Most of my stuff I found expired or froze – oops.


  13. Betadine and Sudocrem is my staples.
    I have a stethoscope (and i even know how to use it, wonders will never cease)
    burn gel
    ice boots
    wraps and polo bandages
    antiseptic cream
    antiseptic wash
    stingo thing (for insect bites)
    eye pads
    sanitary pads

    gosh and other stuff i probably can’t remember (i’m at work)…

    I have it in a clear box, but i still can’t find anything easily lol

    mel x


  14. I really need to get a container to house all my medical supplies for when I go to shows, otherwise I have my own, private barn at home so everything lives on a shelf in my tack room (or if I am worried about temperature stability for the bute, banamine, dex, etc, they live in my house). I also use wipes (baby wipes + anti-bacterial hand wipes) a TON; to wipe off the thermometer, to wipe goops and gunks off my hands after applying, on the horse, etc. Definitely recommend a pack of those in a medical kit as well!


  15. In the tack room I use a stacking drawer system. 2 bottom drawers are deep for taller bottles, leg wrapping materials, etc. Smaller top drawer is injectables, thermometer, syringes, , any other smaller items. Works perfect for me! Small tote separate for trailering, as most of the larger items (non perishables ) already have a home in the trailer cupboard, leaving me to only have to take smalle, rarely used and heat sensitive items.


  16. I have 2 totes in my trailer and a rolling tote in my locker for all meds/supplies, but I also need to go through everything and throw out the super old stuff and see what I’m out of or missing. I have so many meds that are probably looooong expired and I need to replace. Because the second I don’t have it is when I’ll need it. I DON’T have farrier tools (rasp, nippers, testers), but those should probably be in there, huh…


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