There’s nothing left to do but cry and post pictures

I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that I got a couple pictures from the jumper show last weekend. Ya know… the last time I rode. Unless you count me sitting on my horse bareback last night.

The bad news is, it’s still raining every day. In fact yesterday it looked like this.


Inches upon inches. On top of the inches upon inches we already had. Basically we’re never riding again and the horses are never leaving their stalls again. I’m not even being dramatic anymore, that’s just a fact. It kinda looks like it might not rain today, which would be both strange and amazing. There’s some really big bright spherical orb thing in the sky that I caught a brief glimpse of earlier before it ran away again.

I cleaned stalls last night and the horses all just looked at me like HEEELLPP UUSSSSS.

All I can really do is a lot of this:

Because I feel months of work and the show season and the goal of AEC’s slipping farther and farther away with every drop of rain. We’re still going to the event this weekend (they’ve gotten less rain up north), but I’m not exactly hopeful for a great performance considering I’ve ridden twice in 12 days and the poor horses have been stuck inside since Sunday. In fact, I had a dream that I was second after dressage and then had 4 rails in stadium to drop to 6th. Even my subconscious has given up on my life goals.

Is it possible for mass amounts of rain to cause instant depression? I’ve even tried hiding my feelings in food and that’s not really helping either. That always helps, especially in the form of Thin Mints. I’m at a loss here for how to treat it if food doesn’t work.

I have a lot of review posts I need to write, I just have no spirit left. Sorry readers, this blog is a sad and boring place right now. But… yay event this weekend? Unless it turns into a mud fest. Boo.

22 thoughts on “There’s nothing left to do but cry and post pictures

  1. I won’t tell you that we are at 70 degrees and a gentle spring-like breeze and sun for the last five days (LOL oops I did tell you). I hope it dries up soon and you actually get to ride your horse sometime in the near future.

    At least Henry doesnt need tons of schooling (GOOD THING imagine those people with hot horses yikes).

    Just take extra cider and have fun! hee….

    I will make extra popcorn for the blog next week! 🙂

    PS Love your Doctor Who gifs made me smile first thing this a.m.


  2. I caught whatever crud is going around my office… so I basically curled up in the fetal position & vowed not to leave my apartment until it stopped raining (not counting taking the dog out). Seems to have worked.


  3. Well, it’s certainly bad timing but I have total faith that you and Henry will rock it this weekend regardless of the rain. Good luck!


  4. oh man… that just sucks on so many levels. i mean, yea you guys look awesome in all those show pics – but that radar screen grab really really blows.

    i’ve got my fingers seriously crossed for you guys that all your careful preparation and hard work pays off in the form of a cool, calm and educated horse this weekend. and hey, at least some of the competition has to be in the same boat, right? good luck!


  5. Rain is totally a trigger for depression, ESPECIALLY in equestrians without an indoor.

    Good luck this weekend!


  6. Yowzers, I think you are getting more than we are! Not to worry, it’ll swing up north to me in the next day or two. 🙂 I think you guys will rock your event, best of luck!


  7. Depression caused by constant rain is a very real thing for equestrians. Maybe Henry will just be so overjoyed to be getting ridden again that he’ll be his best self ever at the event this weekend. That’s what I’m hoping for. LOVE that first pic of him. Something about a plain bay gelding with a pretty face. My faves!


  8. Just remember: if you did have an indoor, it would be infested with snakes right now.

    Though I guess then you could work off your aggression by murdering the shit out of them.


  9. On the bright side, you guys looked wicked cool at your last jumper show…maybe you can stare at those and wistfully reminisce? Hope it dries up and you rock your event!


  10. I’m hoping that all the rain is drowning the snakes and scorpions. But I have some hip waders you can borrow for the weekend, if you want.


  11. I hope there rain stops so you can ride. Maybe you can send it to California, haha. Hopefully you a fantastic rain-free show. Good luck.


  12. 1. Wine. When food doesn’t work, alcohol still will.
    2. For the event this weekend, all you have to do is be better than the other guys. =) Their horses are also stuck in their stalls, their horses probably can’t totally dominate at a jumper show when he hasn’t been ridden for a week, so I think you’re probably gonna nail it this weekend.
    3. Good luck have fun!


  13. The rain especially sucks when the stalls leak and your horse is threatening to kill you while handwalking. Luckily I have no shows coming up so the only thing I’m losing is my sanity.


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