October’s 10 questions

Yay to Viva Carlos for saving everyone from an otherwise boring, mundane Wednesday.

1. How many pairs of breeches/jods do you own? I’m actually pretty proud of myself because I’ve sold a lot lately. I’m down to just two pairs of Animo, two pairs of TS, and a pair of Aztec Diamond. That’s not to say that I don’t want more because I really really do, but we’ll go with just the 5 I have at the moment because it sounds pretty good.

The ADE obsession is real. Stop staring at my meaty cyclist thighs.

2. How many horses have you ridden? Hundreds, easily. That’s just a side effect of riding at a show/sale barn for a long time, not owning a horse for a long time, then being a working student, then buying and reselling horses.

3. How many trainers have you had? Gosh. Well there was my first one from when I started riding in Arkansas, then we moved here and I rode at the same barn for a long time but with a few different trainers at that barn. Then I moved to the East coast to be a working student with an eventer, then back here and took some dressage lessons, then rode at a h/j barn for a while, then moved to another h/j barn, then he moved to another city so I went back to the previous h/j barn, then to current barn first with the h/j trainer and now with the eventing trainer. So math says 10ish?

4. How many barns have you ridden at? Using the above: 7. Ish. There’s always the chance that I’m forgetting something.

5. What is the name of the horse you consider yourself to have the greatest bond with? Probably Sadie, since I’ve owned her since birth.

Sadie then
Sadie now. And Jezzy… I love Jez too.

6. What is your favorite show name you’ve ever encountered? Not a clue, I’m not good at remembering that stuff. But in general I like good strong simple one word names, nothing too cutesy or long.

7. What do you consider your greatest weakness or flaw in riding? I am really really hard on myself.

8. What do you consider to be your greatest strength? Riding a lot of horses has made me pretty versatile. I’m pretty soft and light so I get along with nervous and sensitive horses well, but I’m also pretty fearless and hard to intimidate so I won’t be pushed around by a naughty one.

9. Have you ever leased a horse? A couple when I was a kid: Sunny and Crystal. Then Kai a few years ago.

Monsters live under dere!

10. What is the name of the first horse you rode? Cinnamon, in 1988 (I believe?) at a friends b-day party. I will never forget it. Thanks Cinnamon for what you started!


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