Time to Stock Up

I always use Memorial Day sales as a perfect time to stock up for summer on whatever it is I may need. Fly stuff, hoof stuff, coat sunscreen, sunshirts, treats, whatever will give me the will to survive the next 4 months, etc etc. You know. That kind of thing.

Unfortunately I don’t have enough time to sit down and come up with a fully comprehensive list for you this year, but I’m dropping in long enough to point you at one that I always take advantage of every year.

Riding Warehouse is launching their sale today, and it runs through May 27. They’ve got 20% off lots of stuff (tack, horse care items, clothes, etc etc) and an additional 15% off clearance (which is totally worth digging through). When I’m perusing RW I always go to the New Picks page first, to see what’s new obviously, and then to Clearance. That’s my natural trajectory for fun times, 10/10 recommend. There are items in the New section that are on sale too! The Aubrion sun shirts look interesting, has anyone tried them yet?

I just got these Kunkle gloves with the purple trim and really like them so far. Review coming as soon as I’ve worn them more. The sale price is really exceptional, though, if you want to snag a pair.

For some reason I can’t explain, because I’m generally not one to fall prey to saddle pads nor am I a lover of mathcy sets, I really think this would look adorable on Lottie. Except for the fact that her head is TINY and the bonnet would therefore probably be too big. Someone else get it and let me stare at pics of it on your horse. Think of it as a public service.

It also comes in black and gold, which if it was black and silver I might just go ham and get it for Presto, but he’s not a gold kind of guy. Alas, I will probably be confined to all the practical things this time around (add to cart fly spray, German Horse Muffins, salt, Back on Track liniment, and some more Quick Knots). The flies are fuckin TERRIBLE this year. Which reminds me, Lottie’s teeny head needs a fly mask that fits. I feel as though she might need the unicorn one.

I got Presto this Weaterbeeta fly sheet last year and it’s held up REALLY well to his antics, so I’m debating getting another one in a (much) smaller size for Lottie. It’s a bit hot in Florida during the summer for fly sheets, but I use them a lot in the spring and fall. I need to measure her, she’s a dainty beast.

On the subject – does anyone have a favorite shampoo for greys? I haven’t owned one since back in the day where Quicksilver was literally the only option, and I never loved it. There are so many more choices now, I’m open to suggestions.

I see lots of sunshirts and tights in the clearance section too, if anyone is feeling the need to get themselves prepared for the sweaty depths of summer! Lord help me, who knows what all is gonna actually end up in my cart by the time I finish wading through the sales…

5 thoughts on “Time to Stock Up

  1. For light colored horses, I love the whitening products from Smart Grooming (it’s a UK company so the shipping is kind of a pain though…)

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  2. I just got a bay-leopard Warmblood, and honestly I think the blue dawn is the best. I have tried a few of the other recommendations but so far Dawn has gotten under his coat the best.

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  3. Best grey shampoo suggestions….I have MANY. Having ridden exclusively greys for the last almost 20 years and shown everything from hunters to dressage with them…

    Ones I like:
    -Orvus paste. For real. I bathed a friend’s mare with it, and it was the ONLY THING that got what seemed like decades of pee stains out of her tail. And a tub will last you literally forever.

    -Eqyss Premier Shampoo and Conditioner: The shampoo is nice and gentle, and the conditioner is the absolute best thing ever for manes and tails.

    -Baby Shampoo. Seriously, it works a lot better than you’d expect for how gentle it is. It’s also all I will use on the face/head (which yes, with a grey, sometimes you need to wash…)

    I just bought some “Bright Lights” by a company called Sullivan Supply (from a local ranch store) to try. TBD. It’s marketed for cattle and sheep, but contains gentle ingredients and, well, cattle and sheep lay in poo more than horses do, so we’ll see how it does on stains! Around here 4H livestock showing is a Big Deal so the local stores market to that crowd (and their show livestock is bathed and blown dry and judged on cleanliness…)

    You’ll notice an emphasis on gentle….my current mare has VERY sensitive skin so I have to be careful what chemicals I use.

    Things I DO NOT like:

    -Vetrolin White and Bright: It doesn’t work very well.

    -Carr & Day & Martin shampoo: ditto, it doesn’t work well and has a weird slimy texture.

    -Mane & Tail: It’s cheap. That’s all it has going for it.

    I’m “meh” on QuicSilver and Cowboy Magic. I do like Cowboy Magic’s “Green Spot Remover” for show-day touch ups, though.


  4. Okay not marketed for horses but I LOVE Groomers Edge brand Alpha White. It gets any stain out of any kind of white textured dog coat I’ve come across, and worked great on my Paint too.


  5. For my Clydesdale’s white feathers I swear I’ve tried most everything and honestly basic castille soap is by far my favorite. Dr Bronners is available in the grocery store (though a little pricey) but a lot of places are starting to carry generic as well.


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